Digital Man Cave: a Non-Clincal Support Group for Men


Regular guys like you and me learn how to handle life’s challenges


Here are what some guys said about being in Digital Man Cave


“In the beginning of the men’s group I had a lot of questions such as, “will I fit in…is this group for me…should I not share certain things…” etc etc etc. I had self confidence and self doubt issues. But after the group I realized there are other people like me who have similar experiences. It opened my eyes. It also felt good to relate to other men who reminded me that they too go through some stuff and that it’s ok not to feel ok all of the time.” – Group member

“First off, this was my first time ever in a Men’s group! I was skeptical, curious and cautious. Those 12 weeks we had improved my social and emotional intelligence. Had the opportunity to be open and candid and listen to great men and build a bond I will take with me. I got to analyze and and take with me their experiences and apply them and not feel ashamed or scared. One of the greatest opportunities I have had!” – Group member

“I was unsure of what to expect coming in. I’d never been in a support group before and I had my suspicions at the beginning. As the sessions went on, I found it easier to open up and I bonded with guys who experienced the same things I did. It’s really refreshing to speak on certain topics in safe spaces, and that’s what I found in this group. I’m very glad I joined and I would highly recommend this group to anybody considering joining.” – Group member

“My life‘s journey has brought me to a place where I’m looking at masculinity / patriarchy and my part in it. I personally have had a hard time finding balance between being the nice guy and the cocky dude. I either get too big or too small. Growing up I didn’t have solid male role models. I was never given the tools to find out what it meant to “be a man”; besides what I have seen on TV or messages that were passed down from uncles and family friends. When I saw that Kamal was offering a men’s group with topics regarding what it means to be a man, outside of the constructs that society puts us in – I signed up right away. The topics we covered were on point, from communication with loved ones to looking at the messages that were passed down from caregivers that I felt, set me up to ultimately fail as a man. I came into the group nervous and scared not knowing what to expect. I came out stronger and clearer with communication within my relationships and more confident in my own truth. I can see more clearly now, when my confidence turns to cockiness or the “nice guy.” I feel that I am closer to landing, (for the most part) somewhere in between. I strive to be more confident, loving and strong. I feel that I now have more tools to find balance.” – Group member


3 monthly payments of $200
Receive a $50 discount by prepaying $550

What’s Included:

Week 1: Mindset and Wisdom
Week 2: Healthy Self Esteem vs Confidence
Week 3: Anger and Aggression
Week 4: Vulnerability and Courage
Week 5: Taking Relational Inventory
Week 6: Relational Grid
Week 7: Healthy Communication to Get What You Want
Week 8: Mr. Nice Guys
Week 9: I’m My Father’s Son
Week 10: Sexual Health
Week 11: Cultivating Warrior Energy
Week 12: Moving Forward

What this group is NOT:

Please consider this a support group and NOT a therapy group, as we are not working on treating mental health diagnosis (i.e. depression, anxiety, etc.). If therapy is needed for you, I will be happy to provide you with options for clinical services.

Contact me to sign up at

NextGen Leaders: a Support Group for Teen Boys

Our therapy group for teenage boys focuses on building self-esteem in a supportive and understanding environment. Through guided discussions and activities, participants will learn to recognize their strengths, develop a positive self-image, and set realistic personal goals. The group fosters peer connections, allowing boys to share experiences and support each other’s growth. Open to teenage boys, this group aims to empower them with the confidence and skills needed for a healthy self-esteem. Tuesdays. 8 week commitment. $50 per group session – $400 for 8 weeks.